Q&A: Chelsea Tessier (Edmonton, AB)

Chelsea Tessier won Edmonton Homebrewers Guild Brewer of the Year this year. Here’s our chat about her win and homebrewing.

CHA: Congrats on winning EHG Brewer of the Year! Were you striving for the title, or was it a happy accident? 

Thank you for the congratulations! Last year I won EHG Rookie of the Year and EHG Brewer of the Year which was a complete surprise. It was a happy surprise that I was able to win those awards after only a year and a half of homebrewing. This year I was looking to keep the trophy on my shelf.

CHA: What beer(s) did you enter this year into the EHG homebrew competition, and why did you pick it/those beers?

This year I chose my entries based on previous competition and score results. Having completed the BJCP exam, self-evaluating my beer has also proved valuable. The brown ale is my personal favourite and won a BOS in the Lethbridge competition. I rebrewed it with that competition feedback for the EHG competition and it scored 50 points and placed gold. It’s so satisfying to see improvements when you rebrew a recipe!

CHA: How long have you been brewing for? What got your started in homebrewing?

I’ve been brewing for two and a half years now. My co-worker had some equipment that I borrowed and so it began. What really got me hooked on homebrewing was attending the EHG Gala that year and meeting some great people from the guild. Dustin Banks challenged me to brewing once a week for a year so I decided to step up to the task. Brewing so often and learning from all of the mistakes is what really made the difference.

CHA: Edmonton has great homebrewers like Marie-Annick Scott and Greg Zeniuk. How has being a part of EHG impacted your experience with homebrewing?

I have learned so much from the members of the Edmonton Homebrewers Guild. Our monthly meetings include educational sessions by Marie-Annick which helped me to understand the fundamentals of brewing and beer judging guidelines. I am the events coordinator for the guild so that entails of organizing events such as Sensory Kit Tastings to help other fellow homebrewers.

CHA: What is one homebrewing tip that has impacted your brewing the most? 

Purchasing a stainless steel conical fermenter has drastically improved my homebrewing experience. It allows me closed transfers, temperature control, and quicker and more efficient cleaning.

Homebrewing has been such a joy and the best part about it is being able to share it with other people. I brew in a tiny apartment so I am very lucky to have my boyfriend, Taylor, be so supportive and helpful. He’s built me various equipment (keg cleaner, stir plate, fermentation chamber) and we’ve even collaborated on a few beers. Wouldn’t have been able to excel so quickly without his help and support.

Chelsea Tessier’s Duck Saison, Wabbit Saison recipe.

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