Legislation: Saskatchewan
Depending on time of publish, certain information may be outdated. Always contact your local liquor
Depending on time of publish, certain information may be outdated. Always contact your local liquor
You’ve managed to wrangle a few like-minded folks in your area who homebrew, started meeting
Cory Day is a homebrewer from Vancouver, BC who has won Brewer of the Year
Depending on time of publish, certain information may be outdated. Always contact your local liquor
Rick August is a National ranked BJCP judge based out of Regina, SK. CHA: When
When Shillow Beer Co‘s Bandwagon Raspberry Pale Ale took home silver in the Fruit Beer
Peter Watts is the managing director at the Canadian Malting Barley Technical Centre (CMBTC) based
Mead. Considering it’s been around for centuries, it’s surprising that more people don’t know about
Member Profiles is a series featuring members of the CHA, and sharing their story about
Roger Mittag is the founder of the Prud’homme Beer Certification program, a beer educational program