Recipe by Thomas Morrison, brewer at Red Truck Beer Company (Vancouver, BC)
7.65% ABV
Target KO gravity 1.071
Target FG 1.015
Target Volume: 19 litres or 5 gallons in your fermentor
Mash in with 18.6 litres of water @ 70 C, the target is a 68 C rest
4 kg Weyermann Pilsner
1 Kg Weyermann Munich I
250 g Briess Crystal 120
250 g Weyermann Aromatic
100 g Weyermann Biscuit
Recirculate wort until clear and then start collecting in your kettle. Have 25 litres of sparge water at 78 C ready to go our collection target is 25 litres of wort in the boil kettle.
@ 60 Minutes 7 grams Magnum
@ 10 minutes 14 grams Spalt
@ 5 Minutes 14 grams Spalt
350 grams cane sugar
250 grams medium candi sugar.
10 whole cloves
Whirlpool the kettle and let sit for 5 minutes while the cone collects, Start your runoff.
Wyeast 3787 Trappist High Gravity at 19C
Food process, freeze, and thaw 500 grams to 1 kg of figs (preferably fresh) and then pitch the fig paste into your Secondary and let sit for at least 2 weeks.
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