Cask Days is one of Canada’s best beer festivals, and well known by beer geeks in Toronto. This year’s festival took place Oct 18-20 and featured over 300 casks from over 125 breweries across Canada, the UK, and USA (full cask list here). It also featured a whole section, coordinated by GTA Brews, which was devoted to showcasing homebrewers!

I know what you are thinking, “Eric you know you can’t serve homebrewed beer to the public in Ontario!”. While these beers were brewed by many of the most talented homebrewers around, they don’t technically qualify as homebrew since they were brewed at partner commercial breweries.

This year, in addition to beer brewed by GTA Brews members, we also had casks from Durham Homebrew Club, Maple City Brewers Alliance, and Toronto Brewing!
GTA Brews has been lucky enough to coordinate a whole homebrewer-focused section of the festival for the last 4 years.

As you can see, we’ve made a tradition of taking a group photo each year!

Thank You To Our Partners
Big thanks to all our brewery partners for letting us brew with them! Please stop by breweries and say thanks by buying a pint, or some beer to go!
- Common Good Beer Co
- People’s Pint Brewing Co
- Arch Brewing Co
- Little Beasts Brewing Co
- Furnace Room Brewery
- Sons of Kent
Big thanks to club member Nik Cole for coordinating the homebrew section again this year! Also thanks to Toronto Brewing for storing the empty casks, and UANS International for storing the full casks!
Eric Cousineau is the Ontario regional rep and is an avid homebrewer, BJCP judge, and computer engineer from Toronto, ON. He is also the Founder and President of Toronto’s local homebrew club, GTA Brews. Contact him at
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