Intro to Brewing Water by Eric Cousineau (Canadian Homebrewing Summit 2020)

Canadian Homebrewers Association launched their first homebrew conference—Canadian Homebrewing Summit on September 12, 2020.

Eric Cousineau is an avid homebrewer, BJCP judge, and computer engineer from Toronto, ON. He is also the Founder and President of Toronto’s local homebrew club, GTA Brews, as well as the Ontario regional rep for the CHA.
Brewing Water is often lamented as one of the most confusing topics in homebrewing.

“Intro to Brewing Water” is an annual presentation (5th iteration now) that Eric gives at every January Meeting of the GTA Brews Homebrew Club in Toronto. We will start with the basics like pH and minerals, and their effect on your brewing. Then we will deep dive into some practical tips and tricks to make you comfortable thinking about, and adjusting, brewing water as part of your brewing process.

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