Every month, we will be inviting folks from the homebrewing and brewing community to share their thoughts about a topic of interest. You will need to log in in order to see the meeting details. If you know of someone who has a great homebrewing project, or is really knowledgable about anything brewing related, please let us know at info@canadahomebrews.ca.

January 25, 2024
Q&A with Brian Marmoreo (Brewer of the Year 2023)
The Canadian Homebrewers Association is proud to present our Speaker Series, a monthly online seminar for members where we invite homebrewers and industry experts to chat about everything and anything homebrew.
Brian has been homebrewing for six years and throughout the years, he’s enjoyed challenging himself to make a variety of styles. He has had the opportunity to enter his beers and judge for various competitions. Brian believe homebrewing is all about getting creative, trying new things, and ultimately having fun.
Meeting ID: 897 0961 7239
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Meeting ID: 897 0961 7239
Passcode: 324155
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December 12, 2023
Brewer of The Year Committee Q&A
September 28, 2023
Brandon Baerwald
Brewer at Deadfall
Topic: Using Ales Yeasts at Lager Temps
May 18, 2023
Fina Nelson
Topic: Are Norwegian Farmhouse Ale Yeasts Related to other European Ale Yeasts?
April 27, 2023
Dave Cole
BJCP North Assistant Rep
Topic: Canadian Spruce, Eh?
March 23, 2023
Cédric Malitte
Quebec CHA regional rep
Topic: Brewing Around the 1900’s
February 9, 2023
James Miziolek
Winemaker at Fabrique St. George
Topic: Natural/ Native Fermentation and Ageing of Wines and Cider in Qvevri
December 16, 2021
Alicia MacDonald
Co-Owner and Gluten-Free Head Brewer at Port Rexton Brewing
Topic: Brewing Gluten-Free Beers
July 15, 2021
Aaron Onio
Malting & Brewing Technical Specialist at CMBTC
Topic: Malt Meanderings
May 12, 2021
Victor North
Beer Instructor at Niagara College
Topic: Tropical Stouts
April 22, 2021
Justin Shepherd
JGL Hops
Topic: Growing Hops in Canada
March 25, 2021
Mike Foniok
Co-Founder and Head Brewer at The Establishment Brewing Company
Topic: Mixed Culture Fermentation
February 13, 2021
Kathy Yan Li
CHA President
Topic: Tasting Ciders
November 18, 2020
Topic: One Week Crushable Evidence-Based Short Meads
September 24, 2020
Matt Anderson (Vancouver, BC)
Vanbrewers Competition Coordinator
Topic: Running Competitions 101
August 29, 2020
Kathy Yan Li (Belleville, ON)
CHA President
Topic: Base Malt tasting
July 16, 2020
Victor North (Hamilton, ON)
Beer Instructor at Niagara College
Topic: Intro to Canuck Beer Styles
June 25, 2020
Ivan Kozoletov (Prince Albert, SK)
Award-winning Meadmaker
Topic: Making Fruit Meads
May 28, 2020
Eric Cousineau (Toronto, ON)
GTA Brews president and CHA Ontario regional rep
Topic: Finishing and Conditioning Beer
April 15, 2020
Nathan Smith (Edmonton, AB)
Prairie North Cider Co.
Topic: Into to Making Cider
March 29, 2020
Bryan Heit (London, ON)
Sui Generis Brewing
Topic: Brewing with Wild Canadian Yeasts
February 29, 2020
Marie-Annick Scott (Edmonton, AB)
yegbierfrau.ca and Education Director for Edmonton Homebrewers Guild
Topic: Brewing German Beers
January 16th, 2020
Cory Day (Vancouver, BC)
Brewer of the Year 2017, 2018, 2019
Topic: Competition Brewing